Re: Query Transformation

From: Lothar Flatz <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 15:40:37 +0100
Message-ID: <>

What does your outline say?
(display_cursor(...,format=>'BASIC +OUTLINE'));

Am 16.02.2021 um 15:14 schrieb Patrick Jolliffe:
> Been looking at this on and off for the last few weeks.   Below is my
> simplest testcase, it reproduces on my plain 19c Docker Image.
> Getting a bit bogged down in the exact species of OR expansion it is
> making and why.
> I'm going to keep looking, but thought I'd share my (small) progress.
> Patrick
> droptable l purge;
> createtable l nologging
> as
> select rownum id1,
>        rownum id2
> from dual
> connectbylevel <= 10;
> altertable l addconstraint l_id1 primarykey(id1);
> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 'l');
> droptable t1 purge;
> createtable t1 nologging
> as
> select  ROWNUM id1,
>         MOD(ROWNUM, 5) t1f
> from  dual connectby rownum <= 10;
> createindex t1_t1f_id1 ON t1 (t1f, id1);
> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 't1');
> droptable t2 purge;
> createtable t2 nologging
> as
> select ROWNUM  id2,
>         MOD(ROWNUM, 8) t2f1,
>         MOD(ROWNUM, 8) t2f2
> from    dual
> connectbylevel <= 10000;
> altertable t2 addconstraint t2_id2 primarykey (id2);
> createindex t2_t2f1_t2f2_id2 on t2(t2f1, t2f2, id2);
> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 't2')
> explain plan for
> select/*+ OPT_PARAM('_optimizer_cbqt_or_expansion' 'off') */null
> from t1
> join l on l.id1 = t1.id1
> join t2 on t2.id2 = l.id2
> where  ( ( t1.t1f = 0AND t2.t2f1 BETWEEN9AND10) OR
>            ( t1.t1f = 1AND t2.t2f1 = 14AND t2.t2f2 = 13  )   );
> select * from dbms_xplan.display();
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Id  | Operation             | Name             | Rows  | Bytes |
> Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                |                  |   3 |  
>  66 |    10   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |   1 |  CONCATENATION                  |                  |     |    
>   |            |          |
> |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS                  |                  |   1 |  
>  22 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                 |                  |   1 |  
>  22 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |   4 |     NESTED LOOPS                |                  |   1 |  
>  16 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |*  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN           | T2_T2F1_T2F2_ID2 |   1 |  
>  10 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |   6 |      INLIST ITERATOR            |                  |     |    
>   |            |          |
> |*  7 |       INDEX RANGE SCAN          | T1_T1F_ID1       |   1 |    
> 6 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |*  8 |     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN           | L_ID1            |   1 |    
>   |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |*  9 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID  | L                |   1 |    
> 6 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |  10 |   NESTED LOOPS                  |                  |   1 |  
>  22 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |  11 |    NESTED LOOPS                 |                  |   1 |  
>  12 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |* 12 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN            | T1_T1F_ID1       |   1 |    
> 6 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |  13 |     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | L                |   1 |    
> 6 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |* 14 |      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | L_ID1            |   1 |    
>   |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |* 15 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN             | T2_T2F1_T2F2_ID2 |   1 |  
>  10 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |  16 |   NESTED LOOPS                  |                  |   1 |  
>  22 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |  17 |    NESTED LOOPS                 |                  |   1 |  
>  22 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |  18 |     NESTED LOOPS                |                  |   1 |  
>  12 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |* 19 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN           | T1_T1F_ID1       |   1 |    
> 6 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |  20 |      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| L                |   1 |    
> 6 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |* 21 |       INDEX UNIQUE SCAN         | L_ID1            |   1 |    
>   |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |* 22 |     INDEX UNIQUE SCAN           | T2_ID2           |   1 |    
>   |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> |* 23 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID  | T2               |   1 |  
>  10 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
> ---------------------------------------------------
>    5 - access("T2"."T2F1"=14 AND "T2"."T2F2"=13)
>    7 - access("T1"."T1F"=0 OR "T1"."T1F"=1)
>        filter("T1"."T1F"=0 AND "T2"."T2F1">=9 AND "T2"."T2F1"<=10 OR
> "T1"."T1F"=1 AND
>               "T2"."T2F1"=14 AND "T2"."T2F2"=13)
>    8 - access("L"."ID1"="T1"."ID1")
>    9 - filter("T2"."ID2"="L"."ID2")
>   12 - access("T1"."T1F"=1)
>        filter("T1"."T1F"=0 OR "T1"."T1F"=1)
>   14 - access("L"."ID1"="T1"."ID1")
>   15 - access("T2"."T2F1"=14 AND "T2"."T2F2"=13 AND "T2"."ID2"="L"."ID2")
>        filter("T2"."T2F1">=9 AND "T2"."T2F1"<=10 AND
> (LNNVL("T2"."T2F1"=14) OR
>               LNNVL("T2"."T2F2"=13)))
>   19 - access("T1"."T1F"=0)
>        filter("T1"."T1F"=0 OR "T1"."T1F"=1)
>   21 - access("L"."ID1"="T1"."ID1")
>   22 - access("T2"."ID2"="L"."ID2")
>   23 - filter("T2"."T2F1">=9 AND "T2"."T2F1">=9 AND "T2"."T2F1"<=10
> AND "T2"."T2F1"<=10 AND
>               (LNNVL("T1"."T1F"=1) OR LNNVL("T2"."T2F1"=14) OR
> LNNVL("T2"."T2F2"=13)) AND
>               (LNNVL("T2"."T2F1"=14) OR LNNVL("T2"."T2F2"=13)))
> On Sat, 30 Jan 2021 at 18:52, Patrick Jolliffe <
> <>> wrote:
> I know I'm going to have to delve back into the 10053 trace at
> some point, but keep postponing that by working on test-case.
> Below is progress so far if anyone is interested.
> Continuing tomorrow
> Patrick
> drop table l purge;
> create table l nologging
> as
> with generator as (
> select --+ materialize
> rownum id
> from dual
> connect by
> level <= 1e4
> )
> select ROWNUM id,
> to_char(MOD(ROWNUM, 10000), '99999999') id2 from
> generator g1,
> generator g2
> where rownum <= 400000;
> alter table l add constraint l_pk primary key(id);
> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 'l');
> drop table t1 purge;
> create table t1 nologging
> as
> with generator as (
> select --+ materialize
> rownum id
> from dual
> connect by
> level <= 1e4
> )
> select
> to_char(MOD(ROWNUM, 10000000), '99999999') c1,
> MOD(ROWNUM, 1000000) l_id
> from
> generator v1,
> generator v2
> where
> rownum <= 16000000;
> CREATE INDEX t1_I ON t1 (c1, l_id);
> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 't1');
> drop table t2 purge;
> create table t2 nologging
> as
> with generator as (
> select --+ materialize
> rownum id
> from dual
> connect by
> level <= 1e4
> )
> select CAST(ROWNUM AS CHAR(16)) id,
> to_char(MOD(ROWNUM, 1000), '9999') m1000,
> to_char(MOD(ROWNUM, 2000), '9999') m2000
> from
> generator v1,
> generator v2
> where rownum <= 1000000;
> alter table t2 add constraint t2_pk primary key (id);
> create index t2_i on t2(m1000, m2000, id);
> exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null, 't2')
> var v1 char(30)
> var v2 char(30)
> exec :v1 := 'A';
> exec :v2 := 'A';
> explain plan for SELECT /*+
> OPT_PARAM('_optimizer_cbqt_or_expansion' 'off') */ null FROM l,
> t1, t2 WHERE
> ( ( t1.c1 = :v1 AND t2.m1000 BETWEEN 'X' AND 'Y') OR
> ( t1.c1 = :v2 AND t2.m1000 = 'Z' AND t2.m2000 = 'A' ) ) AND
> ( <> = t1.l_id AND l.id2 = <> );
> select * from dbms_xplan.display();
> On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 15:00, Patrick Jolliffe <
> <>> wrote:
> You are correct in that it has nothing to do with
> NCHAR/NVARCHAR2 - replacing those in testcase still results in
> the  'crazy' plan
> On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 14:50, Patrick Jolliffe
> < <>> wrote:
> My bad, you need to stick the following lines at the
> beginning:
> var nc1  nchar(30)
> var nc2  nchar(30)
> exec :nc1 := 'A';
> exec :nc2 := 'A';
> On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 14:41, Patrick Jolliffe
> < <>> wrote:
> Thanks Jonathan,
> (Hope I have ) Managed to reproduce it from scratch on
> a pristine 19.3 environment ('standard' Oracle docker
> image in this case).
> Not hugely pleased about the SET_TABLE_STATS step, but
> we do what we can.
> SQL for testcase and my output attached.
> Going to keep on digging, just glad to have it
> confirmed that the plan is indeed crazy and it's not
> (only) my ability to understand it lacking.
> Best Regards
> Patrick
> On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 14:09, Jonathan Lewis
> <
> <>> wrote:
> I should have said that in my model both the
> varchar2() and nvarchar2() plans produced exactly
> the same 4-branch concatenation.
> The indications were then that the generation of
> the branch code is purely formulaic and
> "unthinking" because in my case two of the
> branches had an access predicate of
>     access("T1"."NV1"=U'0050')
> followed in one case by the silly filter predicate of
>     filter(("T1"."NV1"<=U'0200' AND
> "T1"."NV1">=U'0100')
> and in the other case by the even sillier filter
> predicate:
>     filter(("T1"."NV1"<=U'0200' AND
> "T1"."NV1">=U'0100') AND LNNVL("T1"."NV1"=U'0050')))
> Really the optimizer should have spotted the
> contradiction and filtered out these two branches
> This was all running 19.3.
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
> On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 at 12:32, Patrick Jolliffe
> < <>>
> wrote:
> I *think* it's related to national
> characterset (NCHAR/NVARCHAR2). As shown below
> (I hope) current testcase does not reproduce
> if I switch to CHAR/VARCHAR2.
> Investigation continues, trying to build
> complete reproducable testcase from scratch.

Received on Tue Feb 16 2021 - 15:40:37 CET

Original text of this message