Re: Missing rows under dba_hist_sqlstat

From: Cherif Ben Henda <>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 13:02:39 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Please see output of below queries

  select a.snap_id, min(sample_time) mint, MAX(sample_time) Maxt, a.sql_id, a.SQL_ADAPTIVE_PLAN_RESOLVED, a.SQL_FULL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE, a.SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE

   from dba_hist_active_sess_history a
   where sql_id IN (select a.sql_id FROM v$sql a    where sql_text like '%optimizer_adaptive_plans_True%'    and sql_text not like '%sql_text%')

   SNAP_ID | MINT                      | MAXT                      SQL_ID

   53954   | 25-NOV-20 AM | 25-NOV-20 AM
8mngkgqh4c2x6 | 0                           | 2910268920              |   0

   53955   | 25-NOV-20 AM | 25-NOV-20 AM
8mngkgqh4c2x6 | 0                           | 2910268920              |   0

   53955   | 25-NOV-20 AM | 25-NOV-20 PM
8mngkgqh4c2x6 | 1                           | 2910268920              |

   53956 | 25-NOV-20 PM | 25-NOV-20 PM

8mngkgqh4c2x6 | 1                           | 2910268920              |

   53957 | 25-NOV-20 PM | 25-NOV-20 PM

8mngkgqh4c2x6 | 1                           | 2910268920              |

   select round(sum(a.ELAPSED_TIME_DELTA/1e6 )) sum_delta,    round(max(a.ELAPSED_TIME_total/1e6)) tot,    count(*) count_snaps
   from dba_hist_sqlstat a where sql_id in(    (select a.sql_id FROM v$sql a where sql_text like '%optimizer_adaptive_plans_True%' and sql_text not like '%sql_text%') )   group by sql_id ;

   201 1814 1

Le mer. 25 nov. 2020 à 13:00, Cherif Ben Henda <> a écrit :

> They respond .This is not a bug.
> They did not reproduce this issue.
> Every time, they send me DOCs, or link to an issue related to
> DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT.., how to analyze a performance issue... and asked for
> Disable optimizer_adaptive_plan.
> Currently is not possible to disable optimizer_adaptive_plan. ( for many
> raisons ....)
> I explained to them many times that my request is not to fix the
> performance issue , I need to see my query on top consuming resources
> queries in AWR.
> I have reproduced the issue under 19.6.
> Thanks,
> Cherif
> Le mer. 25 nov. 2020 à 12:50, Jonathan Lewis <> a
> écrit :
>> I noticed your livesql link the first time around - but I prefer
>> eliminating the unstated easy options and collecting relevant collateral
>> information before trying to run up a matching database to do a test, so
>> I'll repeat the question: what was the justification offered by Oracle
>> support? We've got your explanation for the anomaly, did they agree with
>> that then use that to dismiss the anomaly as expected behaviour, or did
>> they say something else?
>> Regards
>> Jonathan Lewis
>> On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 at 11:10, Cherif Ben Henda <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Maris, Jonathan,
>>> I have worked on many cases where "wall clock time" >> real execution
>>> time of the query.
>>> ( file generation taking time par example) .
>>> and MAX(DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT.ELAPSED_TIME_TOTAL) << "wall clock time"
>>> I assumed that this query was executed one time.
>>> In my case , the query is executed via PL/SQL function.
>>> Another finding, the insertion into wrh$_sqlstat (DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT) is
>>> based on V$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH . When the query is under execution , there is
>>> no row into V$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH.
>>> I have shared a simple test case
>>> set optimizer_adaptive_plan = false => I dont have this behavior.
>>> Thanks
>>> Cherif
>>> Le mer. 25 nov. 2020 à 11:50, Jonathan Lewis <> a
>>> écrit :
>>>> In the absence of further information I think Maris' observation is the
>>>> correct one, and you would get a better handle on this by taking a snapshot
>>>> of the session activity stats and session events for your test case.
>>>> However, I would be interested in seeing the justification Oracle
>>>> support gave for their 'not a bug' conclusion.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Jonathan Lewis
>>>> On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 at 10:17, Cherif Ben Henda <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> During monitoring of PROD long running reporting...
>>>>> Oracle version 12.1/ optimizer_adaptive_features =false and optimizer_adaptive_plans
>>>>> =true, I identified a query taking more than 17 000 sec. The next day
>>>>> when I generated AWR covering its execution period, I found that this query
>>>>> had taken 2600 sec. I have checked dba_hist_sqlstat , there is only one
>>>>> row / one snap. The delta elapsed time was 2600 but the total elapsed time
>>>>> was exact / AWR report is based on delta columns. Under
>>>>> dba_hist_active_sess_history , I get the exact number of snap_id, in fact
>>>>> , there are many missing rows under dba_hist_sqlstat .
>>>>> I have identified the root cause. During these snapshots , we
>>>>> don't have a final execution plan ( it was a complex query with more than
>>>>> 14 tables), it was executed with an adaptive execution plan.
>>>>> I identified that this behavior happened with dozens of queries.
>>>>> I can not share with you the real issue , I succeed in reproducing it.
>>>>> I need to know if you have encountered a similar issue ? It seems like
>>>>> a bug
>>>>> Please find a test case, I have changed AWR snap duration to 5 min.
>>>>> I have opened an SR but they think it is not a bug ....
>>>>> --
>>>>> Cordialement,
>>>>> Cherif Ben Henda
>>> --
>>> Cordialement,
>>> Cherif Ben Henda
> --
> Cordialement,
> Cherif Ben Henda

Cherif Ben Henda

Received on Wed Nov 25 2020 - 13:02:39 CET

Original text of this message