Re: Increased PGA requirements for SORTs in 19c?

From: Lothar Flatz <>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 13:39:52 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Hi Michael,

are you sure that the plans are really the same? Did you check the cardinality estimates?
A wrong estimate can result in too little PGA reserved for the cursor. Sql monitor, if available contains some information on memory reserved. There in an event that you can set to trace sorting, sorry, can't find which one in a hurry.



Am 20.11.2020 um 13:10 schrieb Tefft, Michael J:
> We are upgrading some of our 12.2 databases to 19c (19.9) and we are
> seeing significantly degraded sort performance in several queries.
> Here are some ‘fun facts’ collected from AWR and ASH for one of these
> queries, comparing our production 12.2 database, our test database (as
> 12.2, prior to upgrade), and our test database (as 19.9, after upgrade):
> |Database                      |Prod 12.2      |Test 12.2      |Test
> 19.9      |
>  |------------------------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|
> |Executions                    | 1193|            567|             93|
>  |Avg Elapsed sec               | 0.45|           0.49|          34.11|
>  |Avg CPU sec                   | 0.45|           0.44|           5.16|
>  |Avg rows processed            | 6.00|           6.00|           6.06|
>  |Avg IOWAIT sec                | 0.00|           0.01|          28.95|
>  |Avg Buffer Gets               | 987.09|         880.93|       1,071.20|
>  |Avg Physical Reads            | 0.01|          11.96|     171,222.48|
>  |Avg PGA MB                    | 13.40|          14.29|          41.04|
>  |Avg TEMP MB                   | 3.14|           0.07|       1,303.78|
> This query is using the same plan in all three settings. Same plan.
> Trace/TKPROF shows these waits under 12.2:
>   Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total
> Waited
> ----------------------------------------   Waited  ---------- ------------
>   SQL*Net message to client                       2       
> 0.00          0.00
>   PGA memory operation                          211        0.00 0.00
> And these waits under 19.9:
>   Event waited on                             Times   Max. Wait  Total
> Waited
> ----------------------------------------   Waited  ---------- ------------
>   PGA memory operation                          208        0.00 0.00
>   SQL*Net message to client                       1        0.00       
>   0.00
>   Disk file operations I/O                        1       
> 0.00          0.00
>   CSS initialization                              1 0.00          0.00
>   CSS operation: query                            6       
> 0.00          0.00
>   CSS operation: action                           1       
> 0.00          0.00
>   ASM IO for non-blocking poll                16368       
> 0.00          0.04
>   direct path write temp                       2067       
> 0.36          2.71
>   direct path read temp                        3144       
> 0.61         96.20
>   SQL*Net message from client                     1       
> 0.00          0.00
> We can also see from ASH and TKPROF that the time is dominated by the
> SORT operation – which of course aligns with the increased PGA and the
> TEMP usage and I/O.
> I have an SR open but my confidence is low.
> The Oracle analyst said “Version to version there will be need a more
> memory on SGA and PGA memory, So this is expected. Please increase the
> PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET and check most of the sort operations are in
> memory.” I asked for reference to documentation stating that, as I did
> not see anything like that in the Upgrade Guide, etc. And the 19c
> executions are clearly not being starved of PGA – they are getting 3x
> the PGA that the 12.2 executions got.
> Has anyone seen an effect like this?
> Thanks!
> Mike Tefft

Received on Fri Nov 20 2020 - 13:39:52 CET

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