RE: Data transfer between EBS and Dynamics365

From: Jeff Smith <>
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 12:04:06 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <9e94505f-0058-4488-b79a-3e9722e96fc2_at_default>

If anyone is receiving less than excellent support for ORDS, please reach out to me with your MOS SR#s.





From: Arian Stijf <>
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 2:39 PM
Cc: Tim Gorman <>; ORACLE-L <> Subject: Re: Data transfer between EBS and Dynamics365



ORDS can definitely do the same as ISG. But you have to find the right API's, and won't get too much help from Oracle Support when the API's break. 

I use it on most non-eBS systems that I work with. But for eBS, I prefer to first look at the existing methods. No use to re-invent the wheel. When I end up with something that needs to be custom-built, ORDS is definitely worth considering. 




On 2020-10-05 20:01, Alfredo Abate wrote:

+1 on the Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG), XML Gateway, and BES methods.


We use ISG in conjunction with Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) to communicate both inbound and outbound from our E-commerce solution to EBS. We are on EBS 12.1.3 and with the latest ISG patches, you can get REST APIs too, as it was backported.


I wonder if using a simpler approach with Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS), if you could accomplish some or all of the same things?






On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 12:33 PM Arian Stijf <HYPERLINK ""> wrote:

Hi Tim, 


I worked on a conversion to Dynamics 365, and on a number of integrations with other ERP systems. 

As far as I know, there is indeed no off the shelf solution. 

But my 2ct. 

I'll assume you want to do real-time integration. There are no real suitable solutions for bulk-transfers.

For the inbound part, it is easiest to use Integrated Soa Gateway (ISG). For eBS 12.2 it offers REST-API's (SOAP if you also install SOA Suite) for most entities.

For the outbound part, there are XML Gateway or the Business Event System (BES).

XML Gateway is suitable for order and invoice information. It offers standard XML-formats for most transactions. But it is not suitable for customer master data.

BES needs custom PL/SQL or JAVA code to gather te required data. But in my opinion, they are easy to build and maintain. BES will take care of the appropriate XML formatting, headers and handling. It also offers a robust way of triggering the interface when data is entered or modified. 

Let me know if you have any specific requests. 


Kind regards,




On 2020-10-05 17:15, Tim Gorman wrote:


It isn't a migration, it is an integration.  They want to share customer data between EBS and D365 CE (a.k.a. CRM).  Perhaps there is movement toward migration in one direction or another, but I don't have visibility into anything but this question.

So far, the EBS REST API is looking likely;  nothing else seems to be built.  They were clearly hoping to "buy", but it is looking like the only choice is "build".

On 10/5/2020 6:55 AM, Alfredo Abate wrote:



I wish I did but it sure sounds like an interesting project. An organization is actually going from Oracle EBS to Microsoft Dynamics 365?!




On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 3:09 PM Tim Gorman <HYPERLINK ""> wrote:


I'm wondering if anyone on this list has any experience with connectors for transferring data between Oracle E-Business Suites and Microsoft Dynamics 365?



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-- Received on Mon Oct 05 2020 - 21:04:06 CEST

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