LGWR, EMC or app cursors?

From: Herring, David <"Herring,>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2019 15:17:43 +0000
Message-ID: <DM6PR02MB55646CE74BD8A4907F46A1D4D49B0_at_DM6PR02MB5564.namprd02.prod.outlook.com>

Folks, I've got a bit of a mystery with a particular db where we're getting a periodic 25-30 pause between user sessions and LGWR processes and can't clearly identify what's the cause.

I am stuck trying to find out, really prove who is the culprit or what exactly the wait is on. Is LGWR waiting on user sessions and user sessions are waiting on LGWR and all that causes the disk to be 100%? Can I enable some sort of tracing on LGWR and would that point to exactly what he's waiting on to prove where the problem is?



Received on Mon Oct 07 2019 - 17:17:43 CEST

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