Re: SCAN addresses and TNSNames

From: Leng <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2019 07:26:40 +1000
Message-Id: <>

Hi Guys,

Have you got the relevant note/bug handy re. 11g clients not attempting all 3 scan listeners? We’ve got 11g clients and they couldn’t connect to our 2 node RaC databases during our rolling patching exercise.


> On 3 Oct 2019, at 6:31 am, William Beldman <> wrote:
> Ah yes, good point. I read that before and I think it applies to any client 
> <
> All clients that experienced the issue were 12.1 or 12.2 so that doesn't 
> explain the problem.
> -- 
> Will Beldman
> Database Analyst
> Western Technology Services
> Western University
> p. 519-661-2111 x80357
> e.
> k. (PGP key)
>> On Wednesday October 2 2019 03:23:26 PM Adric Norris wrote:
>> What version of the Oracle client is being used? IIRC the client
>> only attempts the first IP returned by DNS, so while impacted IPs are in
>> the process of being relocated you can definitely get unlucky. 12c+ clients
>> should recognize that there are multiple IPs, and try each of them before
>> giving up.

>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 12:51 PM William Beldman <> wrote:
>>> I find the documentation on both SCAN addresses and TNSNames entries is
>>> good
>>> but is still missing some details.
>>> I have a two node RAC cluster:
>>> =====
>>> $ srvctl status scan_listener
>>> SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is enabled
>>> SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN1 is running on node <NODE 2>
>>> SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN2 is enabled
>>> SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN2 is running on node <NODE 1>
>>> SCAN Listener LISTENER_SCAN3 is enabled
>>> SCAN listener LISTENER_SCAN3 is running on node <NODE 1>
>>> =====
>>> My DNS resolves my SCAN address to 3 different IPs (and I can confirm DNS
>>> round-robin is working, the order is different everytime):
>>> =====
>>> $ nslookup dm01-scan.<suffix>
>>> Server:
>>> Address:
>>> Name: dm01-scan.<suffix>
>>> Address: <IP 1>
>>> Name: dm01-scan.<suffix>
>>> Address: <IP 2>
>>> Name: dm01-scan.<suffix>
>>> Address: <IP 3>
>>> =====
>>> My TNSNames entry is very basic:
>>> =====
>>> (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dm01-scan.<suffix>)(PORT = 1521)))
>>> (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = <service name>)
>>> )
>>> )
>>> =====
>>> We had a crash on one of the nodes (at least it looks like only one) and
>>> some
>>> of my processes could not establish a connection to the database. If I was
>>> unlucky, I *think* this means 2 out of my 3 scan listeners was not
>>> working.
>>> So I'd like to understand the behavior on the client side when that
>>> happens.
>>> What I suspect happened was when my client attempted to connect to the
>>> database, DNS returned a bad IP first, and my client connection failed and
>>> gave up.
>>> If so, would supplying retry and delay parameters mitigate this issue?
>>> More
>>> importantly, if I do not supply these parameters, what's the default
>>> behavior
>>> and where is that documented? What if it keeps returning a bad IP first?
>>> Also, in the event of a sudden disconnect of an ALREADY established
>>> connection, is there any TNSNames parameters I can supply to ask the
>>> process
>>> to either "pause and wait for the database to come back" or "re-establish
>>> your
>>> connection to the same scan address again"? Could I perhaps use the
>>> "failover"
>>> parameter but have the failover address just be the same scan address?
Received on Thu Oct 03 2019 - 23:26:40 CEST

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