Community announcements: NoCOUG Journal and conference

From: Iggy Fernandez <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 00:03:18 +0000
Message-ID: <>

The latest NoCOUG Journal featuring articles on infrastructure-as-code is available at

A huge archive of old issues can be downloaded using wget

for yyyy in {2001..2018}
  for mm in 02 05 08 11
    wget$yyyy$mm.pdf     echo $yyyy $mm

Our fall conference agenda has been published at We have three workshops planned: Cloud v/s Cloud, Best of Oracle OpenWorld 2018, and Postgres 101. Conference admission is free for members, first-time NoCOUG conference attendees, and full-time students and faculty.

The Northern California Oracle Users Group is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) organization that has been serving the Oracle Database community of Northern California for more than thirty years. We organize four conferences a year and publish a quarterly Journal.

Received on Wed Oct 24 2018 - 02:03:18 CEST

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