RMOUG Training Days 2018 - Abstract submission date Extended

From: Bunji Bry <bunjibry_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 10:29:06 -0600
Message-ID: <CAKNWKz6_1evsBmzLVsz9g4wpOzY8B9i0LRdHCAgOCCLfpBsZFg_at_mail.gmail.com>

Join us at RMOUG Training Days, February 19-21, 2019, at the Westin Westminster Hotel.

RMOUG's Training Days is the premier (and largest) grass-roots Oracle user training event in the U.S., offering more than 100 sessions from world-renowned experts. Known throughout the country for its remarkable content, low-key networking opportunities, and incredible scenery, it provides an opportunity to learn about the cutting-edge products and services available to build for the future.

Oracle performance specialist Kerry Osborne tapped as keynote speaker.

 How to Stay Relevant, Kerry Osborne, Accenture Enkitec Group <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=rqi8gw6ab.0.0.scfmidcab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=https%3A%2F%2Fevents.bizzabo.com%2FTD2019%2Fpage%2F1353512%2Fkeynote-presentation>

"Change is inevitable, and the pace is relentless. But despite all that - and at the risk of ruining the punch line of the presentation - I don't believe there will ever be a shortage of opportunities for smart, industrious people, as long as they are willing to evolve their skills."

It's not to late - Abstract Deadline extended to

October 19, 2019

Submit Now

Share your latest tips, expertise, and success stories with colleagues in the information services community. RMOUG Training Days' goal is to offer the most comprehensive, current, pertinent, and helpful Oracle training for all levels of Oracle users.

Suggested Topics:

  • Application Development, APEX and Mobile
  • Business Intelligence and Analytics
  • Database Administration
  • Database Tools of the Trade
  • Database Development
  • DevOps/Agile
  • Emergent
  • Middleware
  • Cloud
  • Professional Empowerment

Local Accommodations

Westin Westminster

10600 Westminster Boulevard

Westminster, CO 80020


Group rate: $145/night includes wi-fi and free parking

Deadline: January 11, 2019, subject to availability

Discover the breathtaking beauty of this first-class hotel, situated between Boulder and downtown Denver, where you will be inspired upon waking up to the stunning Rocky Mountain views. In addition to the ideal location, the hotel is part of the Promenade and is steps away from a variety of shops and restaurants.

Click here to make reservations online.

Bryan S Wells

Director of Training Days

Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group


Received on Thu Oct 11 2018 - 18:29:06 CEST

Original text of this message