Re: Auto Stats Job

From: Stefan Knecht <>
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2018 23:17:33 +0700
Message-ID: <>

dbms_stats already has built-in what you need:

Just use set_table_prefs to set the desired degree for the largest tables.


On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 4:15 AM, Sanjay Mishra <> wrote:

> Hi Experts
> I had question on Auto Stats job in 12c which is running for 4hr now from
> 10pm to 2am. I had multiple heavy used environment where lost of objects
> shows up for stale stats and the job failed to finish in 4 hr and so
> multiple critical table stats were not collected. If I am running the job
> as manually then can have more degree and can finish the job in less than 4
> hr. So how Oracle allocated Degree when Degree defined for all database
> objects is 1 and what can be done to update like preference or so to
> complete the auto job in time. Don;t want to add layer by using cron
> Rgds
> Sanjay

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Received on Thu Aug 09 2018 - 18:17:33 CEST

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