Re: How to know the stats is corrupted

From: David Fitzjarrell <>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 07:02:52 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Using analyze creates what I call 'incomplete' statistics, as they are not as comprehensive as those generated by dbms_stats.  Analyse is still around for two reasons -- to validate structure of indexes and to generate a list of chained rows, two functions which dbms_stats does not address.  Combining them can create a mess of conflicting statistics which can cause performance problems (such as that which you reported).  
Please use dbms_stats for statistics gathering.  Leave analyze for the two tasks that dbms_stats doesn't do. David Fitzjarrell

From: K R <>
To: David Fitzjarrell <> Cc: "" <> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: How to know the stats is corrupted

thanks Everyone .
the version is  and running on solaris 9 .    We gather the stats using analyze  most of the time and in some time  we use dbms_stats to gather stats.  Could it be that we should be only using analyze  and not dbms_stats . or is it that mixing analyze and dbms_stats can cause the issue.

the result we observe once in a while  lot of physical reads/scattered read full tablescan , library cache pin  goes up by 100% . . and then we end up deleting stats and again running it

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 6:27 AM, David Fitzjarrell <>wrote:

> Since you haven't posted any Oracle version information it's difficult to
> answer such a question.  As stated in other responses I doubt that the
> statistics are actually 'corrupt'; I would expect them to possibly be stale
> or gathered incorrectly for the data.  There are known issues with
> statistics in some versions of  Oracle  however until we know which release
> you're using we can't consider those anamolies.
> Please post the Oracle version you're using, some fairly specific
> information on what performance issues arise from time to time and possibly
> some samples of the gathered statistics.  From that information we can
> provide better assistance to  you.
> David Fitzjarrell
>  *From:* K R <>
> *To:* "" <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 30, 2013 4:15 AM
> *Subject:* How to know the stats is corrupted
> Hi,
> At times  when the performance goes slow  some of DBA in our team says that
> the stats get corrupted . asking how do you determine dont bring any good
> explanation.
> Anyone please throw some insights on it .
> thanks
> Kart
> --


Received on Wed May 01 2013 - 16:02:52 CEST

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