Re: crs_stat formatting questions and comments

From: amit bansal <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:36:03 +0530
Message-ID: <>

:) i copy paste it
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Niall Litchfield <> wrote:

> that's easy for you to type :)
> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:10 AM, amit bansal <>wrote:
>> If you are on 11Gr2, try using
>> crsctl status res |grep -v "^$"|awk -F "=" 'BEGIN {print " "}
>> {printf("%s",NR%4 ? $2"|" : $2"\n")}'|sed -e 's/ *, /,/g' -e 's/,
>> /,/g'|\awk
>> -F "|" 'BEGIN { printf "%-40s%-35s%-20s%-50s\n","Resource Name","Resource
>> Type","Target ","State" }{ split ($3,trg,",") split ($4,st,",")}{for (i in
>> trg) {printf "%-40s%-35s%-20s%-50s\n",$1,$2,trg[i],st[i]}}'
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA

Received on Thu Jul 12 2012 - 04:06:03 CDT

Original text of this message