Re: Script to automate AWR reports (not snapshots)

From: Sandra Becker <>
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 11:38:09 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Thanks everyone. Looks like Tim's script will do what I want. I did go back and get dates and times of the performance problems. Management was off every time so they were not asking for the correct snapshots. They insisted I get them anyway. I will be doing reports the ACTUAL periods we had problems and making my decisiions based on those reports. They did finally fix a critical lookup table I'd been complaining about for about 2 years now and our worst problems mysteriously vanished. We still have other problems but I think we have enough head room now to do it right the first time when we fix the problematic sql statements.


Received on Thu Mar 04 2010 - 12:38:09 CST

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