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RE: Oracle Announces The Same Enterprise Class Support For Linux As For Its Database

From: Mercadante, Thomas F \(LABOR\) <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 09:46:15 -0400
Message-ID: <ABB9D76E187C5146AB5683F5A07336FFE087D0@EXCNYSM0A1AJ.nysemail.nyenet>

The fight in your organization will come from the Financial Folks. If they can save significant coin, you may be forced into it.  

The other thing that I always think about is the smaller IT shops. They have limited budgets and staff and this may make sense to them. Instead of paying two companies for support (Red Hat and Oracle) they now pay one and save money. If all things are equal (meaning that Oracle will provide support as well as Red Hat), then why not change? Running the same software but using a different phone number for support. If I were paying the bills, it would be a no brainer.  

Compare it to Internet Phone service. I personally would not save any money, but I know a lot of people who have switched and now pay one bill (internet/phone combined) and save money at the same time.  

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[] On Behalf Of Chris Marquez Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:30 AM To: oracle-l
Subject: Re: Oracle Announces The Same Enterprise Class Support For Linux As For Its Database  

>> Lets' wait and see if the market responds.
>> If it does not, this too shall pass.

LoL and so true  

>> Sounds like Mandrake Linux 5.2.

sounds like "Oracle (aka RH) Linux" to me!?

Why now I wonder?

I'm not sure anyone is ready or cares about this.

Sure I would run it, but I'm not going to fight my SA's to run Oracle Linux, when they are perfectly happy running RH Linux.

Chris Marquez
Oracle DBA

Received on Thu Oct 26 2006 - 08:46:15 CDT

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