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RE: Agnostic references for Oracle v SQl Server 2000

From: Orr, Steve <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 12:02:44 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Ditto on PostgreSQL. I'm doing some benchmark testing and PostgreSQL performs quite well in comparison to MySQL with the InnoDB table type. In my artificial tests PostgreSQL is faster that MySQL (with InnoDB). Oracle 9.2 is about twice as fast as PostgreSQL when I crank up the number of concurrent sessions. Another positive for PostgreSQL... it's quite portable to/from Oracle as regards datatype and data and string functions. MySQL doesn't pass for me because it is feature poor and can't do subqueries, unions, views etc.

PostgreSQL is easy to administer so you should be able to set it up where admin is not an issue.

Steve Orr

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 12:58 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Then use MySQL or PostGresSQL. These two are free (READ: LOW COST = Charity Status you are looking for) and runs on multiple different OSes.


Martin Kendall wrote:

> Hello all. I need to provide a one page report on why it may be
> beneficial for an organisation with light usage, small DB to move
> from Oracle to SQL Server. Their request is purely due to
> having a recognition of their charity status by Microsoft and
> therefore being able to get everything
> at a much reduced price.
> It is bad enough that they do not have experienced Oracle DBAs on site,
> now it seems that they are attracted by the apparent ease of use /
> setup/ Graphical everything.
> They are even looking at adopting the same development technology as
> one of their main benefactors as this may help them
> win further funding from such a benefactor. I am talking .NET and VB.
> I am also asked to phrase my paper from the point of future proofing
> their business technology.
> I am struggling with the agnostic approach when taking into account
> the concept of vendor lock-in.
> It seems that cost is everything. But they will need to accept that
> cost is not just what you pay
> for the base product.
> People, I am not really interested in a religious war on this  no
> doubt such discussion types
> have appeared on this List before. All I am asking for is pointers to
> any ref. material that you may know of.
> Happy days !
> Martin

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Received on Mon Sep 23 2002 - 15:02:44 CDT

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