How does one compile a precompiler program?


The following syntax is used to precompile a Pro*C program:

proc iname=myprog.pc host=C

Oracle includes some sample precompiler programs with it's installation. These are normally located under the $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/proc (or related) directories.

After you've precompiled your program, invoke the standard host language compiler and linker. Also remember, if you modify your source code, change the original precompiled source program. In C, for example, you would modify the *.PC file and not the *.C file. The *.C file gets overwritten every time you precompile your program.

Look at the following table for other host languages:

Language:Program:Precompiler:Precompiled to:
C *.pc proc *.c
COBOL *.pco procob *.cob
FORTRAN *.pfo profor *.for
PASCAL *.ppa propas *.pas
ADA *.pad proada *.ada