Cannot Start Listener in 10g, But Can in 9i
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 09:06:36 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
I upgraded a Win2000 (SP4) server from Oracle 9i to (It is a
SAP system, not
supported for Ora11).
The upgrade went well. I used DBUA. I can start the database in 10g.
However, when I try to start the listener, the response is a set of
TNS errors:
(TNS-12542: TNS:address already in use, TNS-12560: TNS:protocol
adapter error,
TNS-00512: Address already in use).
I checked "netstat -a" , the port is free and few connections are
being used. I
tried changing ports, etc..., but the problem persists.
The interesting thing is that the listener works when I "switch it"
to the 9i
That is, I change the env. variables ORACLE_HOME and the registry settings ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_HOME_NAME, ORACLE_GROUP_NAME to point to 9i.
I log off and on, and start the listener from <Oracle_9i home>\bin.
the 10g version is on the path).
Then, the listener start and stops without any problems, using the
same port
as in 10g. I make sure that the listener is stopped.
However, when I switch the env. variable and the regsitry settings
back to 10g,
in 10g I can start the database, but the listener has the 'TNS"
errors, previously
Also, I copied the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora to the <10g Home>
and adapted them for the new Oracle Home.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Received on Mon Mar 15 2010 - 11:06:36 CDT