what's the internal transaction table for....

From: Ken Quirici <kquirici_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 11:53:17 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <0b1615f8-33e6-4a24-87d6-1635754e819f_at_a32g2000yqm.googlegroups.com>

The 10g discussion of transaction commitment has this:

The internal transaction table for the associated undo tablespace that the transaction has committed, and the corresponding unique system change number (SCN) of the transaction is assigned and recorded in the table.

which the 11g manual corrects to:

The internal transaction table for the associated undo tablespace RECORDS [my uppercase] that the transaction has committed, etc.

What is this internal transaction table? I can't find reference to it anywhere else. It seems as though it
would be important in deciding how long to keep rollback segments around, but I could be wrong there,
since they seem to be kept around forever, or until they get overwritten, whichever comes first.

Thanks for any illumination! Received on Mon Feb 08 2010 - 13:53:17 CST

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