rant - does oracle know how to design a website?
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2010 16:06:10 GMT
Message-ID: <SDWbn.62938$Db2.43303_at_edtnps83>
I think I see the method behind the new metalink, or "my oracle support" for that matter. Make it as frustratingly clunky and user unfriendly as humanly (or not) possible, and support calls will go down, along with that "unsatisfied" support calls. I know for me it is a last resort after I have exhausted all other avenues.
Case in point - we are installing 11G on a windows 2003 server, the database is going to be spatial and the vendor doesn't support (for reasons known only to them) windows 2008 yet. Anyway, thats not my point.. I'm trying to find out if 11G R1 is certified on Windows 2003 64 bit R2, so I go to the 11G database page to view the certification matrix like I always do (did) Ah, here is the link, on the downloads page for the database, right where it says "Review the certification matrix for this product here." But wait, clicking on the link brings up a page saying all certification information is now on My Oracle Support website.. Ok, go to my support page, enter in "11G windows certification matrix" - what do I get? A list of 8 or so options, on about generic connectivity on windows or linux 64 bit platforms, something about what platforms oracle messaging gateway is available on, and a real relevant one: "Oracle® Database on Unix AIX®,HP-UX®,Linux®,Mac OS® X,Solaris®,Tru64 Unix® Operating Systems (Customer Recommended)"
So, play with search terms a bit, I get links on installing 8i on windows NT, a windows 98/ME certification article, running 9i on windows 2000 etc etc etc..
Lot's of information on patchsets etc., but 10 minutes later I still can't find an 11G windows certification matrix.
Who designs this infrastructure? Do they think all the cool sliding/expanding/contracting menus and various error pages are what people want??
Anyway, at least I feel better now, back to looking, give it another 5 minutes them I'm logging an SR..
Wish me luck Received on Mon Feb 08 2010 - 10:06:10 CST