Re: Generate a CRUD matrix

From: joel garry <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 09:33:15 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 15, 6:38 am, Mark D Powell <> wrote:
> On Jan 14, 6:40 pm, joel garry <> wrote:
> > On Jan 14, 12:36 pm, vsevolod afanassiev
> > <> wrote:
> > > I don't think it is possible: a stored procedure may select/insert/
> > > update/delete many tables, something like that
> > > SELECT
> > > UPDATE
> > > TABLE_B
> > > Searching USER_SOURCE won't be enough
> >  What wouldn't be in USER_SOURCE (oh, well, ok, DBA_SOURCE)?  Once you
> > get the candidate list, you parse the procedures for their tables.
> > Select is easy, just whatever follows FROM until no more commas,
> > update and delete will always be one or two words after?  Did I
> > misread the OP or miss something obvious?  I was thinking of getting
> > the various elements separately (these procedures update, containing
> > tables x, y z..., etc), but maybe easier just to get procedure/table/
> > elements parsing directly, put in table, then do what you want.
> > jg
> > --
> > is bogus.
> I do not think parsing the from clause would be all that easy since
> you have to allow for encountering terms like inner join, right outer
> join, etc... then what about dynamic SQL where portions of the SQL
> statement are going to be held in variables?  You may also have to
> deal with commented out sections of source.

Very good points, obviously my head is stuck in O7. Still, you can perhaps get everything in a new join syntax up until the ON keyword. This makes a lot more sense if you are limited to a certain subset of language usage on an older system, rewriting the latest oracle SQL would be huge - I can imagine one impenetrable model clause could stop me cold. I totally missed the dynamic SQL issue, though it would still have to have some kind of FROM, I think?

> I would be interested in getting a copy of a routine that can
> automatically extract SQL from stored code even if it had no ability
> to deal with dynamic SQL (since no well written system should use more
> than a few dynamic SQL statements).
> HTH -- Mark D Powell --

OK, I'm convinced, this would bite off more than I could chew. Easier to just extract all the procedures and eyeball them for crud. Maybe comments in procedures will answer the OP :-)


-- is bogus.
Received on Fri Jan 15 2010 - 11:33:15 CST

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