Re: min(); never no_data_found
Date: 27 Dec 2009 15:50:14 -0700
Message-ID: <4b37f2b6$>
Mark D Powell ( wrote:
: On Dec 23, 10:10=A0am, Jeremy <> wrote:
: > In article <79bb2ee5-f28a-43b9-af1e-4597012495f0
: >>, says...
: >
: >
: >
: > > Cate, why not test for a NULL value being returned and if so the RAISE
: >
: > What's the opinion of this ng's contributors on the advisability of
: > raising "standard" error conditions when the underlying reasons for
: > raising that error are different?
: >
: > To me it seems like a practice not to be recommended - potential for
: > misleading people unfamiliar with the code later on in maintenance mode.
: >
: > --
: > jeremy
: You have a point. I normally use the 20xxx error codes Oracle
: reserved by Oracle for customer application error codes but my post
: just adresses one way to do what the OP asked.
: HTH -- Mark D Powell --
I can't check this at the moment, (pl/sql of course)
select min(datex) into the_min from tablex where x = 1 and min(datex) is not null;
If that is not allowed then use "group by x" and "having" to do the same thing. The point of course is to raise no_data_found when that is desired, and avoid discussions (hence issues) with opinions about what errors you're allowed to raise.
I think that you should sometimes raise standard Oracle errors, especially because the caller understands them - but being careful to ensure that the logic makes sense. Also consider, from the perspective of the caller there may be no reason to expect a value must be derived as opposed to being simply looked up - so why would the statement not raise no_data_found if there is no value?
$0.10 Received on Sun Dec 27 2009 - 16:50:14 CST