Re: Force drop of UNDO tablespace (with online segment) in

From: DG problem <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 16:14:00 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

I've been trying to post this all day (Google Groups) without success. Thanks Joel if this posts upon your advice.

> Here is the solution:
> startup mount;
> alter system set undo_management = 'MANUAL' scope=spfile;
> alter system set "_corrupted_rollback_segments"="_SYSSMU11$" scope=spfile;
> startup;
> drop rollback segment "_SYSSMU11$";
> shutdown;
> startup nomount
> alter database open
> That was extracted from the ML note 28814.1. Of course, you should return
> to the automatic undo afterwards.
> --

Thanks Mladen! That worked perfectly, very much appreciated.

Congratulations on finding that in Metalink as I spent a couple of hours looking at how to do it and still couldn't solve it (maybe I'm getting too old :). I then went and looked at the note you reference and still couldn't find anything to do with "_corrupted_rollback_segments".

I then did a ML knowledge base search (using the flash version, grumble grumble) on "_corrupted_rollback_segments" and it only returned six hits. Only two of those six hits contained the string "_corrupted_rollback_segments"!

I then did an advanced search (unquoted) The Exact Phrase: _corrupted_rollback_segments

And got six hits again with only two hits containing the search string!

Has anyone else noticed this? Received on Wed Sep 23 2009 - 18:14:00 CDT

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