Re: 10g explain plan detemination without actually doing change in the query...
From: Charles Hooper <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 05:50:17 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Sep 22, 6:07 am, UXDBA <> wrote:
> All,
> I would like to know
> in Oracle
> if I have below SQL:
> select col1,col2 from t where col1=? and col3?
> col13 & col1 both are indexed.
> This query will have certain execution plan.
> Now if I make alteration on col3 index . i.e. I drop the index on col3
> Then I may have different exectuin plan of the query.
> Question :
> Is it poosible to find out in 10g to know what execution plan query
> will have after dropping index WITHOUT actually dropping the index?
> Regards
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 05:50:17 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Sep 22, 6:07 am, UXDBA <> wrote:
> All,
> I would like to know
> in Oracle
> if I have below SQL:
> select col1,col2 from t where col1=? and col3?
> col13 & col1 both are indexed.
> This query will have certain execution plan.
> Now if I make alteration on col3 index . i.e. I drop the index on col3
> Then I may have different exectuin plan of the query.
> Question :
> Is it poosible to find out in 10g to know what execution plan query
> will have after dropping index WITHOUT actually dropping the index?
> Regards
Look into specifying a NO_INDEX hint for the SQL statement:
Note that if the query uses bind variables the execution plan displayed by autotrace and explain plan may differ from the actual execution plan.
Charles Hooper
IT Manager/Oracle DBA
K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc.
Received on Tue Sep 22 2009 - 07:50:17 CDT