Re: Confusing CTXSYS issue

From: The Boss <usenet_at_No.Spam.Please.invalid>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 23:23:42 +0200
Message-ID: <4ab1575f$0$3918$>

ddf wrote:
> On Sep 16, 11:50 am, macdba321 <> wrote:
>> Interesting...
>> select job_name, last_start_date, next_run_date from
>> dba_scheduler_jobs;
>> 24-JAN-09 AM -05:00
>> 26-MAR-12 AM -05.00
>> So does this mean that it is schedule, but to run next in 2012?
>> Thanks again.
> Yes. What does the repeat_interval column report? It should display
> the frequency and the interval to use. That value may need to be
> changed to get the job to run on a more frequent (and current) basis.
> You can use the DBMS_SCHEDULER.SET_ATTRIBUTE procedure to make such
> changes.

I have done some calculation and think this might be relevant:

  1. The interval between 24-JAN-09 and 26-MAR-12 is 1157 days (3 times 365, plus 7 plus 29 plus 26)
  2. 1157 days = 1157 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 99964800 sec
  3. 09:46:40 = ((9 * 60 + 46) * 60) + 40 = 35200 sec

This means the interval between runs is exactly 100.000.000 seconds.


Received on Wed Sep 16 2009 - 16:23:42 CDT

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