plan stability

From: DEV <>
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 12:05:07 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Oracle EE on RHEL 4
I have two schemas (say schemaA and schemaB) with the same set of table structures but the data could be different by just a little bit. The app is working fine on schemaA but is very CPU intensive on schemaB, so I want the app to use the same plan as on on schemaA. I created an outline on schemaB with dbms_outln.create_outline with the hash_value child_number from v$sql_plan. checking the user_outlines view the plan is not being used. Any idea why? TIA,
Dev Received on Sun Sep 13 2009 - 14:05:07 CDT

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