Re: oracle has customers over a barrel
From: Mark A <>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 10:22:41 -0400
Message-ID: <h8garg$he2$>
>"Mark D Powell" <> wrote in message
>Mark, did not post the joke, Mladgen did. Please give credit where
>credit is due. I laughed, but you are right in that sarcasm often
>does not translate well so a smiley would have been a good idea. Me,
>I love sarcasm along with nagging. That is why I am married 8-D.
>-- Mark --
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2009 10:22:41 -0400
Message-ID: <h8garg$he2$>
>"Mark D Powell" <> wrote in message
>Mark, did not post the joke, Mladgen did. Please give credit where
>credit is due. I laughed, but you are right in that sarcasm often
>does not translate well so a smiley would have been a good idea. Me,
>I love sarcasm along with nagging. That is why I am married 8-D.
>-- Mark --
Not exactly. Mark A (not Mladgen) posted the "joke" since the OP was not quite sure if DB2 really did run on those other "non-mainframe" platforms. Received on Sat Sep 12 2009 - 09:22:41 CDT