Re: oracle has customers over a barrel
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 06:37:06 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Sep 11, 7:52 am, Serge Rielau <> wrote:
> Captain Pedantic wrote:
> > "Serge Rielau" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> DBA wrote:
> >>>
> >> There are those who bicker and those who act.
> >> So many new friends these days. :-)
> >>
> > DB2 supports Oracle SQL PL/SQL out of the box?
> > Really?
> > DB2 the mainframe database ...?
> DB2 9.7 for LUW, yes, not all of it, but enough to do "exception based"
> tweaks rather than redesign.
> In the coming fixpack we'll even do BULK COLLECT and FORRALL.
> There is a developerworks article written by myself outlining what's
> supported:
> Cheers
> Serge
> --
> Serge Rielau
> SQL Architect DB2 for LUW
> IBM Toronto Lab
From past experience IBM has made changes where we had to pay license charges to keep using features that were bundled in some of our existing IBM products prior to upgrades on our mainframe so IBM is no angel. Nor is DB2 cheap. DB2 is available to run on Linux and I believe on some other platforms as well.
As far as the claim in the article that mySQL is a competitor to Oracle (or DB2 or SQL Server for that matter) it just really is not true. Mission Criticial systems do not run on mySQL. If you need ACID compliant systems you have to obtain a database engine to run under mySQL. There are several available. Add an additional layer of licensing and support. Nor is mySQL free for commercial use.
IMHO -- Mark D Powell -- Received on Fri Sep 11 2009 - 08:37:06 CDT