Re: sql question

From: Shakespeare <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 22:10:08 +0200
Message-ID: <4aa95d26$0$83241$>

amy schreef:
> I don't seem to be able to figure this out using distinct, group by or
> the having clause. Can someone help?
> I have a table with the following records. If there are any duplicate
> IDs, I would like to just list the record with the latest timestamp.
> ---------- ----- --------------------
> 1 G 09-sep-2009 10:20:02
> 1 J 10-sep-2009 10:20:31
> 1 L 10-sep-2009 10:21:00
> 2 H 10-sep-2009 10:20:17
> 3 K 31-aug-2009 10:20:43
> The result I'm expecting is
> ---------- ----- --------------------
> 1 L 10-sep-2009 10:21:00
> 2 H 10-sep-2009 10:20:17
> 3 K 31-aug-2009 10:20:43
> Can someone help? thanks in advance.

Based on this example of only five records it is not possible to derive your business needs. If NAME is ascending with COLDATE within one ID (so a later coldate for the same ID will have a higher NAME) , it can be done with a simple max and group by:

select id, max(name),max(coldate) from test group by id;

If NAME is random, it's just a little bit more than that, but without a group by (see one of the other posts)

Shakespeare Received on Thu Sep 10 2009 - 15:10:08 CDT

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