Re: Date Modified on logfiles not changing

From: Terry Dykstra <>
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2009 14:23:45 GMT
Message-ID: <RjQnm.42471$Db2.42237_at_edtnps83>

"joel garry" <> wrote in message On Sep 2, 3:28 pm, "Terry Dykstra" <> wrote:
> I have a database on W3K where the Date Modified (as shown in
> windows explorer) is stuck on 07/07/2009 6:42PM. That's the time that the
> instance was last started.
> But looking in v$log and v$logfile I can see that the filenames and
> timestamps are all correct. So this is a mystery to me. Anyone ever seen
> this behavior?
> --
> Terry Dykstra

(Sorry for previous brain-damaged reply, for those who see it even though it is now deleted. Been a crazy day.)

I believe this is because Oracle reuses the log files, so it just keeps them open from when the instance is started. I bet if you create a new one, or offline/online one, you'll see the newer date. Don't see this on other platforms.


-- is bogus.

With 9i I don't see this behavior either.

Terry Dykstra
Received on Thu Sep 03 2009 - 09:23:45 CDT

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