Re: Death of the DBA

From: John Hurley <>
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:23:34 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

On Aug 20, 10:07 am, Helma <> wrote:


> > Sick of this "death of dba" utter nonsense.
> > How long has it been since it started?
> > Only 10 years now?
> > Has it happened?
> > No.
> > End of story.
> Perhaps you don't see any threat to the Oracle DBA.
> Others who disagree might talk about the steady march of the MSsql
> database, the increasing database work going to India, the
> selfmanaging databases etc.
> If you are in the business a couple of years, you'll surely have
> something interesting to say on this topic.

It is certainly a valid question. How much different people want to talk about this topic will vary quite a bit.

There is a recent salary survey out regarding Oracle DBA pay ranges ( and some tie to certifications ). Looks like the average salary in the US is ( still ) way above what other regions in the world are at.

People that are able to find jobs in the US doing Oracle DBA work will tend to stay in that skillset as the pay range for SQL Server DBA's tends to be quite a bit lower. I have known people unable to find things in the Oracle realm that have been "forced" to go in that direction. Received on Thu Aug 20 2009 - 09:23:34 CDT

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