Re: SQL question, updating more rows than subquery returns
From: Shakespeare <>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 20:59:01 +0200
Message-ID: <4a79d65b$0$189$>
gs schreef:
> A little rusty at my SQL here, perhaps someone could point out where I'm
> going wrong. I need to update all the records in table b where they meet
> a condition in table a, a query shows all the records that need updating:
> select b.col_1 from table_a a, table_b b
> where a.col_2 = b.col_2
> and a.col_1=1
> and b.col_1=2;
> This query returns 5383 rows
> Now I need to update all the values in b.col1 from 2 to 1 where the
> corresponding value in table a (a.col1) has a 1, so I build this update
> statement:
> update table_b
> set col_1=1
> where col_1 in
> (select b.col_1 from table_a a, table_b b
> where a.col_2 = b.col_2
> and a.col_1=1
> and b.col_1=2);
> This should work, correct? But I get 5790 rows updated. What am I
> missing here?
> tia
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 20:59:01 +0200
Message-ID: <4a79d65b$0$189$>
gs schreef:
> A little rusty at my SQL here, perhaps someone could point out where I'm
> going wrong. I need to update all the records in table b where they meet
> a condition in table a, a query shows all the records that need updating:
> select b.col_1 from table_a a, table_b b
> where a.col_2 = b.col_2
> and a.col_1=1
> and b.col_1=2;
> This query returns 5383 rows
> Now I need to update all the values in b.col1 from 2 to 1 where the
> corresponding value in table a (a.col1) has a 1, so I build this update
> statement:
> update table_b
> set col_1=1
> where col_1 in
> (select b.col_1 from table_a a, table_b b
> where a.col_2 = b.col_2
> and a.col_1=1
> and b.col_1=2);
> This should work, correct? But I get 5790 rows updated. What am I
> missing here?
> tia
It's late here... but as far as I can see, your query is updating all
col_1 where col_1 =2 , whatever your where .. in .. clause may find...
Could you do a
select count(*) from table_b where col_1 = 2 ?
Looks like you have to take col_2 in your query too...
Something like
update table_b
set col_1=1
where col_1, col_2 in
(select b.col_1 , b.col_2 from table_a a, table_b b
where a.col_2 = b.col_2
and a.col_1=1
and b.col_1=2);
Shakespeare Received on Wed Aug 05 2009 - 13:59:01 CDT