Re: Trigger question..please help.
From: Shakespeare <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 20:27:39 +0100
Message-ID: <49cd28ac$0$193$>
ddf schreef:
> Comments embedded.
> On Mar 27, 2:28 am, pereges <> wrote:
> No foreign key to DEPARTMENT to ensure the DNO value exists?
> That's a copy of the table, but, yes, it can serve as a 'backup'.
> No, that's not truncating the table, which your instructions clearly
> stated. This truncates the table:
> SQL> truncate table employee;
> Table truncated.
> which does much more than delete the data.
> I don't see that you've created that table from your post.
> Look back at your instructions for the DEPT_STAT1 table and see what
> your instructor says should be stored there:
> Department number
> Number of employees for that department
> Total salary for the department employees
> Without using a procedure your trigger won't execute since you need to
> query the EMPLOYEE table to get the data for DEPT_STAT1, so you need
> to write a stored procedure to maintain the DEPT_STAT1 table to:
> 1) update existing statistics
> 2) delete department data for departments which no longer exist
> This isn't difficult, but it is necessary to get this to work
> properly. Once you get the procedure written and working you'd then
> call it after the INSERT statement in your existing trigger. We won't
> write this for you (although I do have a working example) but we are
> here to assist you with your efforts.
> David Fitzjarrell
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 20:27:39 +0100
Message-ID: <49cd28ac$0$193$>
ddf schreef:
> Comments embedded.
> On Mar 27, 2:28 am, pereges <> wrote:
>> Hello, I've an employee table which I created as follows: >> >> CREATE TABLE employee >> (fname VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL, >> minit VARCHAR2(1) NULL, >> lname VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL, >> ssn VARCHAR2(9) NOT NULL, >> bdate DATE NULL, >> address VARCHAR2(30) NULL, >> city VARCHAR2(15) NULL, >> state VARCHAR2(2) NULL, >> zipcode VARCHAR2(10) NULL, >> sex VARCHAR2(1) NULL CHECK (sex IN >> ('M','F')), >> salary NUMBER(10,2) NULL, >> superssn VARCHAR2(9) NULL, >> dno NUMBER NOT NULL, >> CONSTRAINT employee_pk PRIMARY KEY(ssn)); >>
> No foreign key to DEPARTMENT to ensure the DNO value exists?
>> I also have a department table: >> >> CREATE TABLE department >> (dname VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL, >> dnumber NUMBER NOT NULL, >> mgrssn VARCHAR2(9) NOT NULL, >> mgrstartdate DATE NULL, >> CONSTRAINT department_pk PRIMARY KEY (dnumber), >> CONSTRAINT department_uq1 UNIQUE (dname)); >> >> then employee was populated with 8 rows and department with 3. >> >> Now the first part of this question was to 1)Backup the EMPLOYEE >> table, then truncate all instances of the EMPLOYEE TABLE. I did this >> as follows: >> >> Creating backup table for employee table. >> >> SQL> create table employee_bk AS >> 2 select * >> 3 from employee; >>
> That's a copy of the table, but, yes, it can serve as a 'backup'.
>> Table created. >> >> Truncating all instances of employee table: >> >> SQL> delete from employee; >> >> 8 rows deleted. >>
> No, that's not truncating the table, which your instructions clearly
> stated. This truncates the table:
> SQL> truncate table employee;
> Table truncated.
> which does much more than delete the data.
>> Second part of the question was to 2)Create a table called DEPT_STAT1 >> with the following attributes, dname[varchar2(15)], total_emps >> [number], total_salary[number]. >>
> I don't see that you've created that table from your post.
>> This table will basically store the stats for every department (name o >> f department, total employees in it and the total salary of all >> employees). >> >> The third part of the question was >> 3)Create a STATEMENT_LEVEL_LOG with type and time (to the second) of >> modification. >> >> SQL> create table statement_level_log ( >> 2 log_date DATE, >> 3 log_user VARCHAR2 (20), >> 4 log_desc VARCHAR2 (20)); >> >> Table created. >> >> This table will basically log all the changes made to employee table. >> >> I''m stuck with the fourth part which is: >> >> 4)Define a statement-level trigger called UpdateDeptStatSL that keeps >> the DEPT_STAT1 table and the log table up-to-date with changes made to >> the EMPLOYEE table. Consider all 3 DML types. Include an Exception >> Section. >> >> This is my attempt at trying to change the log table >> (STATEMENT_LEVEL_LOG) with the trigger but I cannot figure out a way >> to change the DEPT_STAT1 table: >> >> CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER UpdateDeptStatSL >> AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON employee >> DECLARE >> v_action varchar2 (20); >> BEGIN >> IF INSERTING THEN >> v_action := 'Added employee(s)'; >> ELSIF UPDATING THEN >> v_action := 'Updated employee(s)'; >> ELSIF DELETING THEN >> v_action := 'Deleted employee(s)'; >> END IF; >> INSERT INTO statement_level_log VALUES (SYSDATE, USER, >> v_action); >> END; >> / >> >> How can I update the DEPT_STAT1 table ?
> Look back at your instructions for the DEPT_STAT1 table and see what
> your instructor says should be stored there:
> Department number
> Number of employees for that department
> Total salary for the department employees
> Without using a procedure your trigger won't execute since you need to
> query the EMPLOYEE table to get the data for DEPT_STAT1, so you need
> to write a stored procedure to maintain the DEPT_STAT1 table to:
> 1) update existing statistics
> 2) delete department data for departments which no longer exist
> This isn't difficult, but it is necessary to get this to work
> properly. Once you get the procedure written and working you'd then
> call it after the INSERT statement in your existing trigger. We won't
> write this for you (although I do have a working example) but we are
> here to assist you with your efforts.
> David Fitzjarrell
I don't think you need a procedure for this. You don't need to query the
emp table. Just do the bookkeeping in the trigger:
If an employee is inserted, add 1 to total employees, and add the salary
to the total;
If an employee is deleted, substract the salary and substract 1 from total;
if an employee gets updated, substract the old salary and add the new
Of course, this will fail when the table is truncated.....
Shakespeare Received on Fri Mar 27 2009 - 14:27:39 CDT