Re: Which SQL is the best for servers?

From: Paulie <>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 11:12:07 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 16, 5:51 pm, joel garry <> wrote:

> Check out Oracle XE and apex. No cost to you, and you can pay to
> scale as appropriate.

Before rushing to download Oracle XE, check out

1 GB of RAM (OP has 32),
1 CPU (with 32GB of RAM?) and a
4GD data limit.

For millions of queries per hour? For POC of an app, this is fine, however for
performance testing, it's a non-runner.

You are allowed AFAIK, download the full server for testing (but not deployment). The OP hasn't really given the group enough information about the system for anyone here to be able to answer any serious questions about an app that's (supposedly) going to be almost as busy as Google!

No CPU data, no disk array data - they haven't even chosen an OS and are not sure where to put their web server (and no mention of an app server tier!).

Maybe they should run with the mauve db?


> jg
Received on Mon Feb 16 2009 - 13:12:07 CST

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