Re: asm and multiple databases

From: helter skelter <>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2009 12:20:41 +0100
Message-ID: <gmbu4b$kva$>

helter skelter pisze:
> Vladimir M. Zakharychev pisze:
>>> And answer for this  rhetorical question is ...? :)
>> Yes, because ASM file numbers will be different for different database
>> files, even though they all will go under the same +dg/ORCL/
>> "directory". But why didn't you change the db names from their
>> default? Not enough challenges? ;)
>> Regards,
>>    Vladimir M. Zakharychev
>>    N-Networks, makers of Dynamic PSP(tm)

> I wrote "ORCL" for example, it's not their real name :)
> Anyway, it was not my idea to have the same name for all databases :/
> I'v made a simple test. I have started clustered ASM on nodes: rac1,
> rac2, rac3 with one disk group. Then, I started clustered database with
> db_name "ORCL" on nodes: rac1 and rac2. Then I tried to install single
> instance database on node rac3 (with db_name "ORCL") on the same
> diskgroup. When installer stated copying data file I've got "ORA-00304
> requested INSTANCE NUMBER is busy". So now I'm not sure it's possible :/
> When I've changed db_name to ORCL2 everything was fine.

OK, I know whats going on.
I can't use the same SID from clustered oracle_home, when it's used on another node, even when it's used from another home but in the same cluster. When I've installed another single ORACLE_HOME I can store database with the same name on this disk group.
But could it be a reason for any troubles in the future ? Received on Wed Feb 04 2009 - 05:20:41 CST

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