Re: Accessing Enterprise manager - oracle 11g - windows 2003 - password failure

From: hpuxrac <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 11:40:56 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Jan 21, 2:37 pm, wrote:
> We have windows 2003 server and we are running 2 oracle databases in
> version 11g.
> We were successfully configured EM for one database and when we were
> tried for the other database we encountered configuration errors and
> we were able to sort by searching on "google", solution was "ocijdbc10
> file has to be placed in the bin directoy". It worked but we landed up
> in accessing the EM. It is not accepting sys/pwd as sysdba which i can
> use for the sqlplus session.
> Can anybody suggest what would be the cause and solution or work
> around for this.
> Thank you
I don't do oracle on windows if my first disclaimer.

You should be able to "in general" to have mutliple EM ( database controls ) each controlling one database and each one should run on a different port.

You can use something like the command prompt and set your ORACLE_SID appropriately and connect into oracle ( sqlplus / as sysdba ) then set the sys password to what you want it. Received on Thu Jan 22 2009 - 13:40:56 CST

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