Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 06:52:44 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>
to: Mladen Gogala
For this SQL i don't think that running the system statistics will make any difference. But not running system statistics is just a bad idea, don't you agree?
About the histograms, they work nicely on skewed data. For me, it's just applying the idea of feeding the optimizer with as much relevant info as possible and see if the problem is still there. First clean up your shop before the real work starts.
There may be a connection with the shop i am currently working on. They refuse to update their 3 year old statistics because ' that may lead to even more performance problems' , and they prefer to create new indexes when plan instability hits them again.
So i am currently in a mantra of ' take care of your statistics first' before trying anything else first. Received on Thu Dec 18 2008 - 08:52:44 CST