Re: asm on san

From: Palooka <>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 19:02:20 +0000
Message-ID: <0FT0l.29210$wp1.9537@newsfe19.ams2>

Mladen Gogala wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 00:25:20 +0000, Palooka wrote:

>> I think Michael Austin is right. We are just consumers of the SAN
>> service. These days, we can no longer think in terms of spindles - too
>> much is abstracted and virtualised.

> Maybe you're right. I have some experience with RAID-5 configurations
> and I must admit that NetApp RAID 5 did perform well for a DW
> configuration.

Yes, but just to act devil's advocate for a moment, maybe a DW isn't the best test - typically the writes will be part of a batch process, and operational response is measured largely against reads.

Palooka Received on Sat Dec 13 2008 - 13:02:20 CST

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