Re: RMAN restore of full backup fails completely
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 23:32:22 +0100
Message-ID: <>
On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 16:02:53 -0600, "Andreas Zimmermann"
<> wrote:
>5. As I said, I am a novice to RMAN and I might lack knowledge of basics -
>unfortunately I do not really have the time to catch up right now (since
>this is production) ... I do not understand why i can't restore from this
>backup since it - according to the list - contains all needed data files but
>nevertheless tells me that some of them are missing. Any idea how I actually
>can make this backup / restore work again ?! Any way to tell RMAN to just
>use those files (a restore from that specific backupset using it's tag did
>not work eihter) ?!
>Kind regards,
Hi Andy,
Just a few guesses again.
In 9i the crucial part of a restore from the controlfile is
set dbid <id of the source database>
prior to the
restore autobackup
It looks like you already have a target db, so you are trying to
overwrite a target db. The target db will have a *different* dbid, so
you are restoring the *wrong* controlfile.
What I would need you to do is
- confirm you have set up a target database with a different id
- make sure you use the
set dbid
command *prior* to restore autobackup!!!!!!! (the dbid is in the
backup log) (you can change the location where RMAN expects the
autobackup too, by using the set auto backup controlfile to...)
- make sure you have a *proper* autobackup made *after* the database
backup. Backup database plus archivelog will take care of this.
Just backup database will *not*
You can catalog backups in 10g RMAN.
However, if the dbid in the backups is different from the dbid in the
target database you seem to have, you can jump through the ceiling,
but it won't work.
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Mon Nov 24 2008 - 16:32:22 CST