Re: problem creating tracefile level12

From: ddf <>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 09:51:21 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

Comments embedded.

On Nov 24, 10:31 am, Helma <> wrote:
> hello everyone,
> I'm trying to create a level 12 trace for a surtain process. After
> finding out the sid and serial, i try:
> exec dbms_system.set_ev (si=>19, se=>1423,ev=>10046,le=12,nm=>NULL)

Which has worked for me spanning several releases of Oracle including and

> or the above with the dbms_support.start_trace_in_session( etc...)
> both didn't work on the unix machine.

Elaborate on that, please, as I've had no problems tracing another session with that procedure.

> When i tried it on my windows laptop the tracefile coundn't be moved
> because '..some other process keeps it open..' and this was AFTER i
> closed the tracefile creation.

Windows is a different animal; it can keep files from being copied if the host process is still alive, even though it is not actively accessing the file.

> So perhaps oracle keeps the file open even when ordered to stop the
> trace? I recalled i deleted the udump directory on the unix machine
> before starting the trace.
> So how to create a level 12 of someone elses session?

Use the procedure you've outlined:

exec dbms_system.set_ev(<sid>, <serial#>, 10046, 12, '')

I've not had it fail unless the max_dump_file_size is set to anything other than unlimited.

David Fitzjarrell
Received on Mon Nov 24 2008 - 11:51:21 CST

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