Re: How do you check if Enterprise manager is up and running?
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 17:24:27 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Oct 15, 4:34 pm, DEV <> wrote:
> Yes I have searched the docs and read the docs. I couldn't find
> anything related to what I am looking for. Are you talking about one
> of these commands.
> $ emctl|grep status
> emctl status oms
> emctl status oms -secure [-omsurl <http://<oms-hostname>:<oms-
> unsecure-port>/em/*>]
> emctl config| status emkey <options>
> emctl status iasconsole
> emctl status agent
> emctl status agent -secure [-omsurl <http://<oms-hostname>:<oms-
> unsecure-port>/em/*>]
> emctl status blackout [<Target_name>[:<Target_Type>]]....
> emctl start | stop | status subagent
> emctl status emkey [-sysman_pwd <sysman password>]
Well you are in the right ball park. The emctl status commands do as they suggest ... report back status information.
You have to set the ORACLE_SID correctly in many cases to get relevant info ... export ORACLE_SID=krypton then emctl status dbconsole for example.
It's not hard to create a little thing that you run periodically to make sure tha email alerting is working ... create your own sample problem like a locking thing inside an unused table or whatever floats your boat.
The farther away your stray from Oracle strategic direction in terms of os platforms ( linux ) the more likely you are to run into strange things. In other words, support for other platforms isn't what it used to be. Received on Wed Oct 15 2008 - 19:24:27 CDT