Re: ORA-12899: value too large for column with Oracle Patch

From: Arne Ortlinghaus <>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2008 08:00:07 +0200
Message-ID: <gck6ku$524$>

Only to finish my observations. This is the other error which happens sometime where it is difficult to understand how Oracle would be able to generate a string of length 12594 from a variable with a maximum of 100 characters and a real length of 14 characters.

ORA-12899: value too large for column "ISC"."JOBSERVERDATEN"."UPDATEUSER" (actual: 12594, maximum: 14)

Update Jobserverdaten set Jobstextausgefuehrt = '0032 - Datensicherung:
...' ,

Jobstexttransient = 'start Job' ,
Jobstextfehler = '' ,
Jobstextwarnungen = '' , Jobsdatumzeit = sysdate, Jobsversion = '1.38b0' ,
Jobsprogstart = To_date('2008-10-08 17:54:42', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), Jobslaufminuten = 0 ,
Jobsinausfuehrung = 1,
Jobsjobserverfreigabe = 2
where JobsbenID = 'MAUTOBACKUP'

The field UpdateUser is written by an Update before trigger

   cuser VARCHAR (100);

   SYS.DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.read_client_info (cuser);    cuser := SUBSTR (cuser, 1, 14);

         :NEW.updateuser := cuser;

Arne Ortlinghaus Received on Thu Oct 09 2008 - 01:00:07 CDT

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