Re: Recovery Catalog vs Control File
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 06:47:59 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Aug 29, 9:07 am, wrote:
> I've read a lot about this concept, Recovery Catalog vs Control File.
> I'm just looking for some real life experience comments.
> I've always thought that using a recovery catalog only gives you yet
> another instance to back up.
> What are some of your'd help me make my
> decision. Reading is not the same as getting real life comments......
Before 9i if you were using rman ( it was pretty darn unstable at best in the 8x days anyways ) you pretty much had to use a recovery catalog.
At 9i level it became somewhat more optional ( having a recovery catalog or not ).
At 10g and above the recovery catalog concept may not make a lot of sense unless you have a whole bunch of databases to manage ( whatever a whole bunch means mileage may vary ) ...
That's my short summary.
There's a bunch of synchronization work needed at times in terms of levels of the recovery catalog and levels of the databases you are backing up and levels of the software to do the rman backups if you do go the recovery catalog way. Received on Fri Aug 29 2008 - 08:47:59 CDT