Re: open "cursors" on the server
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 03:20:08 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>
On Aug 20, 1:50 pm, newhorizon <> wrote:
> do you get an ORA-01555 error even if the you use a result set ?
> I believe the question is how does a result set work for Oracle.
> Dose it get all the queried data from the server and store it locally
> make some modifications and upload the data.
> or
> Does it act like a cursor and never get the whole data from the server
> but fetch it like a cursor.
> how does the result set work ?
According to the Java docs, ResultSet maintains a cursor into the data. If specific implementation does some prefetching or client-side caching obviously depends on the implementation. One should consult the docs accompanying that specific implementation to find out. For example, Oracle's implementation of a scrollable ResultSet fetches the whole data set to the client, but by default ResultSet is not scrollable, you need to make it scrollable explicitly when creating it. More information is at
Vladimir M. Zakharychev
N-Networks, makers of Dynamic PSP(tm)
Received on Wed Aug 20 2008 - 05:20:08 CDT