Re: Oracle database 11g

From: gym dot scuba dot kennedy at gmail <>
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 01:22:34 GMT
Message-ID: <ufpqk.245$UX.190@trnddc03>

"" <> wrote in message On Aug 18, 2:18 pm, DA Morgan <> wrote:
> Noons wrote:
> > Carlos wrote,on my timestamp of 18/08/2008 10:47 PM:
> >> On 18 ago, 13:09, Noons <> wrote:
> >>> wrote,on my timestamp of 18/08/2008 8:21 PM:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>> I want to write oracle database 11g advanced pl/sql certification
> >>>> (1z1-146).
> >>>> Can anybody please tell me where will I get the materials? Or if
> >>>> anybody has the ILT, could you please give me?
> >>> Pen and paper?
> >> Oh c'mon Noons! This is XXI century:
> >> computer+text processor+printer
> >> ;-)
> >> Cheers.
> >> Carlos.
> > vi or nothing!
> I've got some IBM 80 column punch cards if anyone wants to return to the
> bronze age.
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan
> Oracle Ace Director & Instructor
> University of Washington
> (replace x with u to respond)
> Puget Sound Oracle Users Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Sorry, no, *real* geeks use paper tape and a Honeywell TTY with tape reader/writer.

David Fitzjarrell

Hey that was what I used on my first computer. PDP-8i with 32K Core RAM time share with 5 users. 2-> 300 baud acoustic coupled modems to another school. Honewell Teletype with yellow paper. edlin for editing and Focal for my first language. Paper tape all the way, baby!

You could actually watch the register lights change on the front console. To boot the machine you applied power. Then you entered 12 pairs of binary numbers on the toggles on the front panel. This was the program to run the High speed paper tape to load the operating system. Things got really cool when we got a couple fo monochrome CRT's! Then we added a DEC tape unit. Whoaw watch out!
Jim Received on Mon Aug 18 2008 - 20:22:34 CDT

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