Re: Licensing rules for Data Guard

From: Ana C. Dent <>
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2008 18:31:58 GMT
Message-ID: <Xns9AFD7550B34ABanacedenthotmailcom@>

"Neil Truby" <> wrote in

> "Donkey Hottie" <> wrote in message 
> news:Xns9AFDCC321BBABSH15SGybs1ysmajw54s5_at_194.100.2.89...

>> "Neil Truby" <> wrote in
>>> I'd like to try out Data Guard.
>>> - am I right that that it is not available as an option for Standard
>>> Edition, and is available only in Enterprise Edition?
>> Enterprise Edition only.
>>> - is there anything within the code of Standard Ediiton that stops
>>> me trying it, or is it just an honour-based licensing system?
>> Code refuses with an error message "Option not available" or
>> something, if you try to configure Data Guard under Standard
>> Edition.
>>> The price differential between the versions is so vast that it is
>>> inconceivable that we could buy Enterprise Edition, so I'd like to
>>> find out the facts before wasting my time trying it.
>> I once learned all about Data Guard for a client, but when it was
>> time to implement it we learned that the cost of Enterprise Edition
>> was too much, and the project failed.
> Thanks.  That's a shame though.  I guess I can't trial it. 

There is nothing to stop anyone from creating a remote standby database & manually shipping the redo log files from the primary to the standby and applying the changes. It trivial to implement. Received on Sun Aug 17 2008 - 13:31:58 CDT

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