Re: Install patch BEFORE creating databases

From: Arch <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 08:36:03 -0400
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 25 Jul 2008 13:12:22 +0200, Michael Schmarck <> wrote:

>Cristian Cudizio <> wrote:
>> On 25 Lug, 11:50, Michael Schmarck <> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> On a Solaris 10 Sparc 64bit system, I did a "software only" install
>>> of Oracle Now I'd like patch it to But how
>>> do I do that?
>>> I ran "runInstaller" from the patch and pointed it to the directory
>>> where I installed the Oracle software. But then I get
>>> an error message telling me, that there already is such a directory.
>>> And if I specify some empty directory, OUI tells me, that there's
>>> nothing to patch in this directory.
>>> Is it possible to install the patch if there's no database
>>> yet available?
>>> Thanks a lot,
>>> Michael
>> I've not understood well what goes wrong to you but i can assure you
>> that you can do that.
>Okay. And how do you do that? :)
>What I did:
>- I ran "runInstaller" from the patch.
>- I accepted the default and specified an empty directory
>-> Error
>- As this did not work, I pointed it to the directory where I
> installed
>-> Error
>I uploaded a screenshot showing the error messages - maybe this makes
>it a bit clearer:

You can't change just the path field. You need to change the "Name" to the Name of the ORACLE_HOME that you wish to patch. -Arch Received on Fri Jul 25 2008 - 07:36:03 CDT

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