
From: <maks71_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 15:00:41 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <89d9311c-6223-4633-8272-ca1f964c7993@m73g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>

   SELECT      sid ,event,state,
               seconds_in_wait siw,wait_time,p1text p1txt,p1,p2text
p2txt,p2,p3text p3txt,p3
   FROM        v$session_wait WHERE       sid = &sid

   SID Wait Event           Wait State       SIW    wait_time
P1TXT                P1 P2TXT         P2       P3TXT               P3
------ -------------------- ------------- -------- --------

---------- ------------ -------- -------- --------
4000 direct path read temp WAITED KNOWN 909 1 file numbe 4523 first db 2651740 block cn 1 4000 direct path read temp WAITED KNOWN 913 1 file numbe 4523 first db 2651740 block cn 1 4000 direct path read temp WAITED KNOWN 916 1 file numbe 4523 first db 2651740 block cn 1

Can someone interpret this 3 successive reading for above query for me… Seconds_in_wait & wait_time are confusing me..

Is it one DPRT (direct path read temp) taking 900+ seconds or is it 900+ DPRT that are taking 1/100 sec each? If it’s latter, then why the block# is not changing? Why it’s reading the same block again & again? I’m trying to figure if I have a i/o issue or not… Received on Mon Jul 21 2008 - 17:00:41 CDT

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