Re: create database fatal error
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2008 12:18:12 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On Sun, 06 Jul 2008 10:57:15 +0200, Tommy Halsbrekk <>
>Now we are getting somehwere.
> wrote:
>> Let's assume (again I can't look over your shoulder), you changed 100M
>> into 500M and changed nothing else. You also didn't remove the failed
>> database.
>> In that your script would try to overwrite system01.dbf with a file of
>> a different sze. This would have resulted in error. A DIFFERENT error.
>> So if you really proceeded as stated, 'the same error again' can't be
>> true.
>The first post I did contained all the info needed, including, for
>context, a perl script which controls part of the db creation. In that
>script a new database location is created for every time the script is
>run. So there are no old files lying around interfering with the
>execution. I made two changes to the script, as far as i can remember,
>the sizes and the "extent managment local" line.
You didn't. The first script contains valid directories, the second
doesn't. Please don't try to cheat yourself out, and admit you posted
two different, non-compatible scripts.
And apologize for all the yelling!
>Before I repleid I searched, read and tried different thing, but they
>all produce the same error at the same point in the script. So since I
>am not a dba, but a systems developer and I dont know that much about
>oracle, I ask for help.
>In my mind, the SYSTEM tablespace is special, somehow, and needs special
>attention, or at least special commands. I find very little information
>about the SYSTEM tablespace, but I find lots of information about
>tablespaces in general which pertains to user tablespaces.
>So my reasoning is that increasing the size of the tablespace is done in
>the CREATE DATABASE statement, either in the actual statement or in the
>parameter file. I tried that approach, (except for the parameter file,
>because I just thought of it (and the machine is at work, so nbot
>available)), but it did not produce the wanted results. So I am
>basically doing something wrong, but I am unable to see what that would
>be. For further reply, see my recent post to Arch.
Looking here
this will point you to
The SYSTEM tablespace is implicitly created during CREATE database. However, apart from the fact you can't drop it, it is a normal tablespace.
Finally: You should stop trying to include creating a database in an installation procedure (as you obviously are), or you must love to have DBAs after you to lynch you.
-- Sybrand Bakker Senior Oracle DBAReceived on Sun Jul 06 2008 - 05:18:12 CDT