Re: converting DB2 triggers to Oracle

From: Mark A <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 19:28:17 -0400
Message-ID: <ZzV8k.13116$>

"The Boss" <usenet_at_No.Spam.Please.invalid> wrote in message news:4864066d$0$14347$
> --CELKO-- wrote:
>> I need to convert a bunch of DB2 triggers to Oracle. Is there any
>> kind of tools for this?
> I think it would be more appropriate to ask this question in the Oracle
> group, but anyway ...
> A quick Google on "migration+db2+oracle+triggers" gives a couple of
> possible useful links on the very first page:
> A. Oracle Migration Workbench.
> <q>
> The Oracle Migration Workbench is a tool that simplifies the process of
> migrating Informix, and DB2 databases to the Oracle platform (Oracle9i and
> Oracle10g). The Oracle Migration Workbench migrates the entire database
> schema, including triggers and stored procedures, in an integrated
> environment.
> To migrate Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and Sybase
> databases to Oracle refer to Oracle SQL Developer, which now incorporates
> the Migration Workbench.
> </q>
> B. SwisSQL - DB2 to Oracle Migration Tool 1.5
> <q>
> SwisSQL DB2 to Oracle Migration Tool converts
> 1. Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Tables, Views and other database
> objects from DB2 SQL to Oracle PL/SQL.
> 2. DB2 SQL built-in and user-defined datatypes to Oracle PL/SQL.
> 3. DB2 SQL built-in functions into corresponding PL/SQL functions.
> [...]
> 18. DMLs and Cursors with isolation levels.
> 19. Exception handlers like CONTINUE and EXIT handlers.
> 20. Almost all other DB2 SQL syntaxes into Oracle PL/SQL.
> </q>
> Note: they also offer similar capabilities for the reverse migration:
> C. Ispirer SQLWays 3.9
> <q>
> Database migration software for DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase and MySQL
> SQLWaysT is an innovative database migration application that easily
> performs export (migrates all major databases to IBM DB2, Oracle,
> Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase and MySQL) on one system and imports on
> another system and platform (Windows or Unix).
> SQLWays converts tables (default values, null and identity properties,
> check and unique constraints, primary and foreign keys, comments),
> indexes, views, triggers, stored procedures and functions. Allows you to
> specify global data type mapping for all tables and local data type
> mapping for each table individually.
> </q>
> [Review-site where you can download a free trial version]
> <q>
> We provide migration software and services for IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft
> SQL Server, Sybase, Informix, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Progress and other
> databases.
> Our product SQLWays allows you to easily migrate data, schema, stored
> procedures, triggers and other objects between different databases.
> [...]
> SQLWays automates the entire migration process transferring data, database
> schema, business logic (stored procedures, functions and triggers). It
> automatically handles all changes between interdependent objects and
> facilitates the application conversion requiring minimum resources and
> time to complete a migration project.
> </q>
> This should get you started, I guess...
> Disclaimer: No experience with any of these tools, no stakes in any of the
> companies either ;-)
> [added c.d.o.s.]
> --
> Jeroen

I tried some of these tools (SQLWays and SwissSQL) about 2 years ago, and they did not generate working triggers and SP's, although they did a good job of moving data from one database to another.

I recently tried SQL Ways just a month ago on some simple triggers converting from DB2 to Oracle, and still there were some mistakes, but fairly easy to correct if you know any Oracle. Not sure how well it works on complex triggers.

SQLWays basically advertises a lot of stuff that doesn't actually work, but the upside is that it is basically a one-man company and you can call the developer (owner), and if you explain what is wrong he will try to fix it quite quickly. Received on Thu Jun 26 2008 - 18:28:17 CDT

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