Re: Crossing over from SQL Server

From: Palooka <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 20:47:31 +0100
Message-ID: <nTA3k.109041$_c7.62999@newsfe16.ams2>

Tracy McKibben wrote:
> About a year ago, the company that I work for purchased another
> company. We're a large SQL Server shop, but this new company has a
> mix of SQL Server and Oracle. As part of the DBA team, I'm required
> to start learning Oracle, in order to provide production support
> (admin duties, performance tuning, etc..).
> Aside from classroom training (doesn't work well for me, I get bored),
> what suggestions are there for getting up to speed? I'm looking for a
> "in SQL, you do it like this, in Oracle, you do it this way" stuff -
> books, CBT's, whatever. I'm planning to purchase the "Admin Workshop
> I", "Admin Workshop II", and "Performance Tuning" CBT's from Oracle.
> What else can I look for?

This thread may descend into a flame war. If it does, I'm off.

The only suggestion I'll make is to try and 'unlearn' the SQL Server stuff when dealing with Oracle, and vice versa. IMHO, the main trap to avoid is trying to do a 'this statement translates to' type of port between the two.

They are entirely different products, with entirely different architectures. So don't 'port' applications - or in your case application knowledge. Re-engineer from the ground up.

I hope this helps, and welcome.

Palooka Received on Tue Jun 10 2008 - 14:47:31 CDT

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