9i to 10G on new server -exp/imp the only way?

From: GS <GS_at_GS.com>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 03:45:42 GMT
Message-ID: <GLK%j.574$cV.559@edtnps92>

I think I answered the question with the title of this post, but it leaves me wondering why Oracles upgrade assistant only works if the database you are upgrading from is on the same machine. I know MS-SQL is a different beast, but it does effortless upgrades from one machine to another and the basic premise is the same, except in Oracle you are moving many schema's over while MSSQL is moving one schema (database)

Or is there another reason Oracle can't do this? Normally exp/imp is no problem as the ones I have done so far are relatively small, but I am doing a bigger one now (still small by database standards at 20GB) and it is DOG SLOW, 2 hours so far and it's only part way through the first of many schemas I am moving over. Received on Thu May 29 2008 - 22:45:42 CDT

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